The server security layer detected an error 0x80090304 2

An internal error has occured Warning 139


The server security layer detected an error (0x80090304) in the protocol stream and the client (Client IP:xxx.xx.x5.75) has been disconnected.

An internal error has occured Warning 139

Die Warnung mit der Event-ID 139 bzw. der Abbruch der RDP-Verbindung kam zustande, weil sich der Client und der Server auf keine Cipher Suite einigen konnten. Es lag nicht, wie man zuerst annehmen würde, an der NLA (Network Level Authentication) oder einem falschen Security Layer (RDP), sondern an den Cipher Suiten


An internal error has occured Warning 139

Nach eingehender Überprüfung  kam heraus, das sich die Cipher Suiten vom Client nicht mit denen vom entfernten Server deckten.

Event-ID 139

Folgende Events werden beim Versuch eine RDP-Verbindung aufzubauen in dieser Reihenfolge  aufgezeichnet.

An internal error has occured Warning

Event-ID 131
The server accepted a new TCP connection from client xxx.xx.x5.75:49834.

Event-ID 65
Connection RDP-Tcp#23 created

Event-ID 72
Interface method called: PrepareForAccept

Event-ID 72
Interface method called: SendPolicyData

Event-ID 141
PerfCounter session started with instance ID 23

Event-ID 139
The server security layer detected an error (0x80090304) in the protocol stream and the client (Client IP:xxx.xx.x5.75) has been disconnected.

Event-ID 72
Interface method called: OnDisconnected

Event-ID 102
The server has terminated main RDP connection with the client.

Event-ID 145
During this connection, server has not sent data or graphics update for 0 seconds (Idle1: 0, Idle2: 0).

Event-ID 148
Channel rdpinpt has been closed between the server and the client on transport tunnel: 0.

Event-ID 148
Channel rdpcmd has been closed between the server and the client on transport tunnel: 0.

Event-ID 148
Channel rdplic has been closed between the server and the client on transport tunnel: 0.

Event-ID 103
The disconnect reason is 14