Nano Server Image individuell erstellen

Powershell Nano Server Image individuell erstellen

Nano Server Image erstellen

Mit diesem Skript erstellt ihr ein Nano Server Image ganz nach euren Basisangaben. Alles was ihr braucht ist lediglich ein Windows Server ISO.

Powershell anzeigen

# Windows Server 2016 ISO Image Media

$ServerISO = “C:\NanoServer\WindowsServer2016.ISO”

# Mount the ISO Image

Mount-DiskImage $ServerISO

# Get the Drive Letter of the disk ISO image

$DVDDriveLetter = (Get-DiskImage $ServerISO | Get-Volume).DriveLetter

# Import NanoServerImageGenerator.psd1 PowerShell module

Import-Module “C:\NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator\NanoServerImageGenerator.psd1” -Verbose

# Enter Administrator Password

$Password = Read-Host -Prompt “Administrator Passwort vergeben” -AsSecureString

# Servicing Update Packages

$ServicingPackage = @(




New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath “$($DVDDriveLetter):” `

-BasePath C:\NanoServer\ `

-TargetPath C:\NanoServer\NanoServerVM01.vhdx `

-MaxSize 20GB `

-DeploymentType Guest `

-Edition Datacenter `

-ComputerName “NANO-VM01” `

-AdministratorPassword $Password `

-InterfaceNameOrIndex Ethernet `

-Ipv4Address `

-Ipv4SubnetMask `

-Ipv4Dns `

-Ipv4Gateway `

-EnableRemoteManagementPort `

-ServicingPackagePath $ServicingPackage `

-SetupCompleteCommand (‘tzutil.exe /s “W. Europe Standard Time”‘)

# Dismount Windows Server 2016 ISO Image

Dismount-DiskImage $ServerISO

NanoServerImage individuell erstellen